youth sailing
Learn by doing.
Access to the water, to boats, to our maritime culture.
Sailing at The Apprenticeshop is community sailing—that means it is for everyone! You don’t need to own a boat and you don’t need to be a member. Sailing is an ancient tradition of transportation that is part of our collective human heritage. Today, it is a portal to infinite possibilities—setting off from the dock you can sail around the world, make a career as a mariner, or you can simply do it for fun. For over 20 years, we have been putting the tiller in the hands of our youth, regardless of previous experience or ability to pay. We want all youth, whether they are just curious or already passionate, to have an opportunity to access boats and experience the challenges and rewards of sailing. Sailing builds decision-making skills and confidence; it encourages both autonomy and collective spirit; it cultivates joy through exploration, and excitement in competing to reach a goal.
We won’t leave any child on the dock. Financial assistance is available!