Junior Apprenticeships
Youth engagement.
Engaging youth in big challenges gives them a glimpse of their own potential.
Building a 40’ traditional Portuguese sailing sardine carrier (Canoa da Picada), is the centerpiece of our youth boatbuilding program. The Canoa is a multi-year project, and underneath the sweep of its hull, smaller and quicker projects are tucked in — a Carney 8’ pram, toboggans, an ice boat, as well as tools to do the work, like wooden mallets.
Over the course of the academic year, middle and high school students work on all these projects, engaging their head and hands to turn ideas into reality. As the season allows, students spend time sailing and rowing in shop-built traditional boats in Rockland Harbor, and starting in 2023, we led high school students on an overnight sailing expedition to nearby Monroe Island. Credit towards graduation is gained during the school day, while afterschool students develop new skills just for the fun of it.
Regardless of what they build, if they are rowing or sailing, the problem solving, learning by doing, and working through failure is all there. As students practice new skills, they build confidence and become more resourceful, they see what they are capable of and feel pride in their work. These are lessons that last a lifetime. One of our partners reflected that her students “developed a confidence that they would not have otherwise had, because of what they were asked to do, the challenges they were presented with.”
Interested in becoming a Junior Apprentice?
Talk to your teachers about our program offerings or drop in on Mondays and Thursdays, 2:30-4:30pm to take a tour and get more info!
For inquiries on how to get your school involved, please email info@apprenticeshop.org or call (207)594-1800.