Fri. 9-11:30am
July 16th | $60
1 Class Session
Never been sailing? This is the perfect introduction to help you decide if you want to take a longer class with us. You will have an opportunity to try steering and manipulating the sails, as well as ask questions about programs at The Apprenticeshop.
Other Available Dates:
Wed. June 2nd, 2-4:30pm
Tues. June 29th, 1-3:30pm
Thurs. July 1st, 1-3:30pm
Fri. July 2nd, 9-11:30am
Fri. July 16th, 9-11:30am
Sat. July 24th, 9-11:30am
Fri. July 30th, 9-11:30am
Fri. Aug. 20th, 9-11:30am